25 Picture Perfect Poses for a Great Headshot

The chances are good that you’ll be going into your next photoshoot fairly “blind.” That means you won’t necessarily know what poses you need or which props to use to get the best possible pictures.

You want to make sure the poses you’re choosing represent who you are and your brand and end up with the right pictures to use for all the things you’ll need them for (website, marketing, profile photos, social media posts, etc.)

Here’s a list of poses to choose from. It’s a long list, and the idea is for you to look it over and choose ones based on your own branding needs. Sometimes just getting the juices flowing will trigger your own ideas for poses. Remember to choose your poses based on what will represent your personality and your brand best.

Picture perfect poses

#1 - Book Cover and/or with your published works

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#2 - With your laptop

Kim Brundage Photography 2020

#3 - Working with one of your clients

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#4 - With a mug (this looks conversational and makes you look approachable)

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#5 Working/answering a call; holding your phone

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#6 - The creative process - how you do your creative work

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#7 - Writing in a notebook (gives a peek into what’s on your mind) - Showcase your to-do list or show something creative that you’re writing/working on

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#8 - Classic Headshot - aka your Anchor Image

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#9 - Anonymous pose (showcasing your hands doing something) - This applies especially if you have a product and can also be a close-up of you doing something. Bonus Tip: Make sure your nails are on point.

Kim Brundage Photography 2016

#10 - Include a prop to show your hobby/interest

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#11 - Include a prop to showcase your visual work

Kim Brundage Photography 2016

#12 - Walking (which creates an action shot)

Kim Brundage Photography 2021 & 2022

#13 - Leaning slightly on a wall or post

Kim Brundage Photography 2021 & 2022

#14 - Power pose (hands on hips, flexing your muscles, arms crossed)

#15 - Laughing/Dreaming = looking off-camera

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#16 - Reading/holding your favorite books

Kim Brundage Photography 2018

#17 - Bringing more Money to your Clients

#18 - Pointing or using a hand gesture to engage with your customized text.

Kim Brundage Photography 2020

#19 - Adding flowers can be a nice touch, especially if your ideal clients are women. Bonus Tip - make sure they go with your brand colors.

Kim Brundage Photography 2019

#20 - Are you all Heart? ❤️

Kim Brundage Photography 2021

#21 - With you sweet pup

Kim Brundage 2021

#22 - Using a door or curtains to convey “opening to new possibilities.”

#23 - A Negative Emotion to connect with your Client’s Frustration

Kim Brundage Photography 2016

#24 - Make sure your body is facing a slight degree from Left to Right.

That’s because your brain will always go to the image first and your text second. This is where FB, LI all have your profile image on the left and your text on the right. Otherwise, that would create brain fatigue.

Kim Brundage Photography 2022

#25 - Make sure you create images that you can use for multiple crops

Kim Brundage Photography 2020

Make sure you get a mix of portrait and horizontal images for your online marketing efforts. Horizontal images do better on your website and social media, so get more of those.

I customize each session for my client to best meet their visual branding needs. If you would like to chat further and discuss what it would look like for your branding session, please use this link for a free consultation.


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Location, Location, Location - Finding the Best One for Your Next Branding Session