9 Types of Branded Photos Every Entrepreneur Needs (and Where to Use Them)

If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure it’s become obvious to you that just having a few good headshots won’t cut it anymore when it comes to marketing yourself and your business. Branded photos that share who you are and what you do are essential to your overall brand and allow you to visually share with your audience in a way that will make them more likely to want to work with you.

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Your Smile is Your Greatest Branding Asset

I love talking with my clients about their personal brand because so much of what your personal brand encompasses is communicating who you truly are to your potential customers and clients. A personal brand is just that…personal. It means the photos we take need to communicate your personality. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure you smile.

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Looking Great on Zoom is About More Than Great Lighting

It seems like the whole world is on Zoom, especially in the past two years. For a while, we were all living our lives on Zoom, from business meetings to family gatherings.

No matter what you use Zoom for, I’m guessing you’d like to look nice doing it. I know I do. Here are a few simple things you can do to show up as your best self on your next Zoom call:

Pay Attention to Your Appearance

Be Aware of your Lighting

Manage Your Background

Look Your Laptop Camera In the Eye

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10 Tips to Get the Most out of your LinkedIn Profile Image

It’s a new year with new goals. It’s time to update your LinkedIn profile or at least make sure it checks these boxes.

You only get about 3 seconds to make a first impression on LinkedIn. Your profile image will be the very first thing your potential client or employer looks at.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that humans process images 60,000X faster than text?

Be sure you’re telling the story you want which is consistent with your personal brand and putting your best foot forward.

Your profile image should position you as the professional and the authority figure you are.

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5 Business Headshot Mistakes to Avoid Today

Visuals are an integral part of making a lasting first impression online. When potential clients, business partners, or employers want to put a face to your resume, what would they see?

A professional headshot session is a sound business investment for a number of reasons, but only if you use it to your advantage.

Here are the mistakes you should avoid.

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6 Tips to Help You Look More Confident, Relaxed and Engaging in Your Headshots

As a professional headshot photographer, I know from experience that you can have the best photographer money can buy, but if you don’t look relatable, comfortable, and engaging in your photos, they’re not going to have the effect you’re hoping for.

I’m sure you know that being relaxed before and during a headshot photo session makes it easier for your personality and professionalism to shine through. The question is, how do you get to a relaxed, comfortable state while doing an activity that most people avoid and dread? Great question! Here are some ideas I share with my clients that have made a huge difference in how their final photos turn out.

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Girls for a Change Historical Portrait Session - Fighting for the Forgotten Women

I thought I had paid attention. I hadn’t paid enough attention. There I was, in my naive cocoon, not even close to recognizing the full extent of my white privilege. 2020 was my wake-up call. Girls for a Change helped me see differently and gave me the opportunity to assist in the fight for the Forgotten Women.

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Don't like your Smile? Try these 5 tips instead

Most of us probably have more about ourselves that we’d like to change than things we truly love. For example, lots of people don’t like their smiles. It’s not something they dwell on, but it becomes an issue when it’s time to get a headshot or have their picture taken with their loved ones. For someone who hates their smile, being told to smile or having someone shout, “Say cheese!” instantly creates tension and elicits something more akin to a grimace than an actual, genuine smile.

I was recently working in Richmond, VA, doing what I love to do best (capturing the perfect branding photos for corporations and entrepreneurs)! I noticed that lots of the clients with whom I was working didn’t like their smile. This could have adversely affected their shoot if we hadn’t identified and handled it before they stepped in front of the camera.

So, I thought I would share my favorite tips for feeling comfortable during your next photoshoot.

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